Too Many Fossils: Evidence of Noah's Flood?

Noah’s Boys in the City of Mother Earth is a thrilling tale of inventions, adventure, and romance set in the Last Days of the Antediluvian World, a time of stubborn wickedness and violently conflicting worldviews, just like today.  As described in the first book of the Bible, God utterly destroyed the world with a great cataclysm, deluging it with water for a full year.  When the water subsided, everything was changed, and the only animals or people that survived were those that entered Noah’s Ark.
But isn’t that just a myth—a fairy tale?  Hasn’t science proven that all life was the result of “billions and billions” of years of purposeless evolution?  Lifeless matter spontaneously produced living cells that reproduced.  Over millions of years of accidental mutations, death, and “survival of the fittest”, diverging species became more complex until intelligent human life finally emerged.  We all know the story.  And the fossil record proves it, right?  Maybe not!
One problem with using the fossil record as proof of Darwinian evolution is the fact that there are too many fossils!  One might even say that fossils are excessively common in the sedimentary rocks that cover most of the globe.  And as this photograph from the Agate Fossil Bed National Monument illustrates, they are often found jumbled together in fossil graveyards.  Tremendous numbers of fossils are commonly found compressed into thick layers of coal, shale, and other sedimentary rocks, as though the animals or plants died from some sudden catastrophe, and were immediately buried by watery sediments and layers of volcanic ash. 
The glaring discrepancy between evolution and the fossil record is the fact that fossils do not form under the steady state conditions required for Darwinian evolution1!  If an animal dies today, its carcass rapidly decomposes due to bacteria and natural processes.  To begin with, scavengers such as vultures, rats, or insects soon arrive to consume the soft parts of the body, and frequently scatter other parts.  Rotting occurs next; and even hard shells and bones are generally broken or eroded through acid dissolution or other natural forces.  Fossilization, on the other hand, is believed to only occur under special conditions, such as rapid burial in hypoxic watery sediments.  Dissolved minerals act next to gradually replace the organic material of the plant or animal with tiny crystals of silica, calcite, and iron pyrite, preserving the anatomic features, but making it as hard as rock. 
Furthermore, when the conditions are right, fossilization does not require millions of years, as some assume.  Limestone deposits may occur quickly, as any plumber will attest; and such phenomena as the actual fossilization of an Australian miner’s hat lost in a mine for fifty years2 demonstrates that the process may occur rapidly.
Fossils are a fascinating window into animals and plants that lived long ago, but there are just too many of them!  The vast numbers of fossils magnify the other problems with the evolutionary interpretation as well.  The glaring systematic voids of intermediary species between fish and amphibians, reptiles and mammals, and other animal or plant groups have never been filled.  Over the past two hundred years, the old problem of “missing links” has only gotten worse.  When you buy and read Noah’s Boys in the City of Mother Earth, I think you will find it a thrilling tale of romance, adventure, and inventions; but the fossil record suggests that its Creationist worldview is not unreasonable at all—far from it!  You may even find yourself asking the question: “What if the Bible were true, after all?”
G.M. Horning
1.  Duane Gish: Dinosaurs by Design, Master Books, 1992.

2.  John Mackay. “Fossil Bolts and Fossil Hats.” Creation Ex Nihilo, Vol. 8, Nov., p. 10., cited by Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis.


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“Noah’s Boys—Because sometimes things end in catastrophe.”

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